The Seneschal and Moonface climbed a tower, covered by the Sarge, while the rest split into two groups led by Lyra and Father Derriel. Maria, as always, disappeared into the shadows.
The Genestealers were much faster than the crew expected, using grappling hooks and smoke grenades to cover their advance. Despite taking down plenty of them, they kept getting back up!
The crew began to take casualties; "Two Swords" Jackson was taken down by a heavy rock drill, stunned but not permanently injured. Father Derriel also fell injured to the drill before Moonface dropped him with a burst from the heavy stubber.
Lyra, meanwhile, was hit by a web gun and injured. The Sarge was also hit trying to cover her, but fell from a platform directly onto the cultist wielding the weapon! Both were knocked out briefly.

At this point, the Seneschal gave the order to fall back to Toxfall's west gate. They had failed to claim any bounties despite killing several Genestealers. But they left no-one behind, though Lyra and Derriel needed time to recover from their wounds before they would fight again.
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