Captain Harthaknut sat in the comfortable grox-hide chair and sipped his drink. He was nervous. His last job had been a resounding success, but this wasn't always a good thing.
Harkathnut and his crew had been hired by Cal Ty, head of one of the noble families of House Ty on Necromunda. Their assignment was to ambush and destroy a mining vessel belonging to rival house Ulanti, in a manner which Ty could plausibly deny.
The mission had been a success, but Harkathnut's ship, The Persephone, had sustained considerable damage. Playing the benevolent employer, Cal Ty had arranged for the ship to be repaired at the Ring of Selene, Necromunda's spaceport. Forced to accept this generosity, and the hospitality of the upper hive, Harkathnut was now indebted. And he really didn't like to be indebted to anyone.
After a few days of idleness, Harkathnut came across a general announcement which read:Harkathnut and his crew had been hired by Cal Ty, head of one of the noble families of House Ty on Necromunda. Their assignment was to ambush and destroy a mining vessel belonging to rival house Ulanti, in a manner which Ty could plausibly deny.
The mission had been a success, but Harkathnut's ship, The Persephone, had sustained considerable damage. Playing the benevolent employer, Cal Ty had arranged for the ship to be repaired at the Ring of Selene, Necromunda's spaceport. Forced to accept this generosity, and the hospitality of the upper hive, Harkathnut was now indebted. And he really didn't like to be indebted to anyone.

With this knowledge an officially sanctioned purge will take place to rid our homes of this foul xenos scum. A great bounty has been placed on the genestealers gang known as "The 100 Eyes".
Never one to pass up on an opportunity for profit, Harkathnut dispatched his crew to earn the bounty, led by his second in command, The Seneschal. Harkathnut remained unwillingly in the upper hive, and his technical officer, Barric Tygarien, remained with The Persephone. The rest of the crew tooled up and headed into the Underhive, ready to face whatever they might find...
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