Introduction: The Legend of Captain Harkathnut

This project by hobbyist James Stephenson follows an imagined group of void pirates in the Warhammer 40K universe. A mixture of miniature conversions with narrative gaming (in both the Necromunda game system and Inq28/Inquisimunda), this blog will trace the journey of a small group of adventurers (and their miniature representations) wherever their journey will take them.
Void-born into a family of mercenaries, Harthaknut began his career at the age of 17, when he went to work on his uncle's Merc crew. However he quickly gained a reputation for crossing the line between mercenary and outright criminal. His uncle finally kicked him out. Undeterred, he stole his uncle's prize void-capable shuttle, The Persephone, and set of to found his own crew of hired guns. Over the last 4 decades he has assembled the most amoral and violent bunch of void pirates in the Segmentum Solar.
The Void Pirates are an eclectic bunch, each with their own specialisms and quirks. Some fight for money, some for personal vendettas, others from outright psycopathy. All of them are remnants on the fringes of Imperial society: tolerated by some; shunned by most; and feared by many. All of them will fight for themselves, their crew and their captain (at least as long as it suits them). And none of them have scruples about what methods they employ to get the job done and move on to the next one.
